Forgetting to perform the rite of shaving the head during Hajj or `Umrah


Q 1: What is the ruling on forgetting to shave one's head after completing the rituals of Hajj and remembering it only after a long time?

A: Shaving or shortening the hair is one of the obligatory rituals of Hajj and `Umrah. A pilgrim who forgets to shave or shorten the hair has to do so if it is remembered afterward. If the pilgrim engages in sexual intercourse before shaving or shortening the hair, it is required to offer a Fidyah (ransom, i.e., sacrificial animal), which is to slaughter a sheep in Makkah and distribute its meat to the poor in the Al-Haram (all areas within the Sacred Sanctuary of Makkah). This is because without it, major Tahallul (final removal of the ritual state for Hajj and `Umrah, after performing the final obligatory circumambulation of the Ka`bah for Hajj) cannot be complete in Hajj; while engaging in sexual intercourse before it necessitates offering a Fidyah. The same applies to `Umrah; without it Tahallul after finishing `Umrah cannot be fulfilled.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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